Special Events
Class Picnic
The 3/4’s and 4/5’s students, their families, and the teachers get to know each other at a fun picnic at the Grosse Pointe Farms Pier Park right before the school semester kicks off!

VIP/Dad's Pumpkin Carving Night
Our kids dad (or a very special adult in their life) help the kids carve pumpkins at this special party.

Halloween Party
An exciting party during our school day! Parents and children wear their costumes for our spooky classroom parade.

Holiday Program
The children put on a holiday show on stage for their families and friends. There are refreshments and the occasional visit from a surprise holiday guest!

Valentine's Day Party
A special day for celebrating friendships at school. Bring your valentines to share with all your classmates!

We wish our 4/5’s class good luck as they graduate on stage and finish their preschool adventure. Refreshments and a student made piñata follow the ceremony.

Kroger Community Rewards
Link your Kroger Plus card to Grosse Pointe Cooperative Preschool (organization number 82411). You’ll need to reenroll every year to keep us linked! Feel free to have your friends and family link their cards too!
Ink and Toner Cartridges
Drop off your empty cartridges at our school! We return them to Staples and get a monthly reward towards school supplies with every 10 cartridges we receive. Look for the recycling can in our mailroom to drop them off.